Volcano island colour sketch

I made this on a trip to Italy, probably influenced by the idea of Venice, but it ended up looking too much like Water7 so I decided to change the concept and added other island a bit different. That's how it came up.
Since I still don't have a computer to work on photoshop properly I am using whatever I see around my desk or place of work. That time was mainly Pantone markers.

This is how it came to look the draft. If I manage to get a proper PC/Mac soon I'll try to do it properly.


Kalidoscópica said...

Pues yo alabo este estilo artesanal. Qué son pantone markers?

Shhhhh! said...

Me alegro de que te guste, pero creo que si vieras como se hace te hubiera decepcionado, porque tiene un poco de photoshop.
Los pantone son unos rotuladores de punta gruesa que suelen usar para diseño en general.

Julia Kong said...

Waoow, amazing, Stephen. Love architecture and you are very good in details.

Shhhhh! said...

Thanks for your comment,Ju! The design was kind of random...